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Video production process on mulching in Burkina Faso

Project partners agree on four new topics for video production that are relevant for all three project countries.

Access Agriculture facilitates the production and distribution of quality farmer-to-farmer training videos in local languages that build the capacity of stakeholders involved in agriculture, such as rural advisory services and agricultural education systems. This improves access to relevant knowledge for young people, women, smallholders and marginalized farmers.

At the last annual meeting held in February 2023 in Ouagadougou, Access Agriculture took the opportunity to exchange views with all the components of the SustainSahel project and explain the various stages involved in producing a single short video.

With the help of project partners, 25 technologies were proposed for video production. After an evaluation, we agreed on four topics that cut across the 3 project countries and for which videos are very important.

The four topics:

  • Use of West African shrub biomass for mulching (Guiera senegalensis, Piliostigma reticulatum)
  • Alley cropping with Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala
  • Antihelmintic treatment of small ruminants and interaction with wild forages
  • Optimum bush and tree density

Production of the first video on mulching with trees and shrubs began in Burkina Faso. After a consultation and scoping meeting between the Access Agriculture team (Jonas Wanvoeke and Paul Van Mele), INERA-Saria (represented by Barthélémy Yelemou) and Fernando Soua from FiBL, Access Agriculture reviewed the articles received from INERA and drew up the first versions of the scenario.

To get everyone on board, we shared the first versions of the script with INERA and FiBL, and incorporated the comments received to improve and finalize it. Filming is underway and will continue until 2024. 

While waiting for the mulching video to be edited, we have also developed 8 new videos that could be translated to be useful for SustainSahel countries.

New videos

  1. Herbal medicines to combat foot rot
  2. Raising locusts for consumption (for humans and animals)
  3. Turning chicken waste into fertilizer
  4. Improved pastures for fertile soil
  5. Rotational grazing
  6. Using the right microorganisms for livestock farming
  7. Germinating seeds to feed livestock
  8. Calcium deficiency in dairy cows

Written by: Jonas Wanvoeke, project manager at Access Agriculture

Further information


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